In keeping with our school theme from last week of 'service', we ask you to please consider donating canned food or cereal to our SFX school pantry. Our school pantry helps numerous families within our community and the pantry is low on food. Any donation is appreciated.
Wednesday, August 31st - 3-5 Mass in Brophy Chapel @ 10:30 am
English Language Arts
This week, we will practice logging into Think Central from the classroom by focusing on the leveled reader stories from the last two weeks of school.
We will also be reviewing subjects and predicates.
Students will be working on composing an "I AM" poem.
Students will be working on composing an "I AM" poem.
Social Studies
Students will learn about the Southwest Region of the United States.
There will be a quiz on the West Region states on Thursday, September 1st. Students will need to be able to locate the states on a map and spell the names correctly.
Students need to be able to round numbers to the nearest thousand, ten thouusand and hundred thousand.
We are also focusing on mastery of the 3 facts.
We are working on the Scientific Method.
We are working on the Scientific Method.
We are learning the Theological Virtues of faith, hope, and charity. We are also learning the Act of Faith.
We are learning the Theological Virtues of faith, hope, and charity. We are also learning the Act of Faith.