Monday, August 22, 2016

Routine, Routine, Routine

As we begin the second full week of school, we are settling into the routine of things at school. We are becoming more familiar with the schedule each day. We realize the beginning of the year is a transition period for all, but things will settle down and we will get into a good grove.

Our week at a glance....

Wednesday, August 24th - All School Mass of the Holy Spirit @ 10:30 am

English Language Arts

There will be a spelling, grammar, and comprehension test on Friday.

All 4th graders are expected to read at least 20 minutes a night. Each student needs to be reading a CHAPTER BOOK. Reading homework will begin this week on Thursday via Google Classroom. All students will be given specific directions and walked through the process during our tech time. 

Social Studies

This week, we begin learning about the different regions of the United States.


We will continue with place value.

  • standard form
  • expanded form
  • word form
  • unit form 


We are beginning to understand the Scientific Method.


We will be celebrating God's wonderful creation. Our school theme is service, so we are going to concentrate on service within God's creation.

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