Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Happy Labor Day!

Image result for labor day clip art

Our Week at a Glance....

Happy Tuesday Families! We hope you had a restful and fun-filled long weekend! WE have another four day week ahead of us. The following week we have ITBS and Cogats. Please do not pull your child out of school for any appointments. It is extremely important that they are at school each day on time, have had a good nights sleep, and a healthy breakfast. Please refer to the SFX Weekly e-blast for additional information.

Our school pantry is still in need of canned foods and cereal. Thank you to those families who have sent in items already. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!

This week, SFX begins after school enrichment classes and the Xavier Mentoring program. Please help us, help our fourth graders remember where they are going after school.

English Language Arts 

The last two weeks, while in the computer lab, students have been learning how to send an email properly to a teacher as well as becoming familiar with Google Classroom. We will now be using Google classroom for reading homework on a weekly basis. Should your child need extra assistance with Google classroom or need to use a computer at school to complete an assignment, please have them schedule an appointment with me before or after school for help. 

Additionally, last week we spent time with the iPads and we walked through the process of logging into Think Central. All students are familiar with this process and had no problem logging in from school. We will continue to use the iPads in class with the occasional homework assignment that requires them to log in from home. 

In the area of writing, students collected facts on their assigned state. We will take those facts and turn it into a short informative report beginning this week. 

There will be a spelling test on Friday, September 9th. 

Students will also be assessed in the area of comprehension.

Looking ahead.....BOOK PROJECTS are due Friday, September 30th 

Social Studies 

WE have now covered the West and Southwest regions. This week, we will focus on the Midwest and students will be assessed on those states Friday, September 9th. 

Image result for midwest region clip art


We are continuing to round numbers using the number line and algorithm. 


We are doing the Mystery Powders Unit using the Scientific Method. 


We are going over the Parts of the Mass. We will be having a test on Friday, September 9th on the Act of Faith Prayer. 

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