Happy Halloween! Happy "almost" November! Where is the cooler weather we are all so badly wanting? We hope you have a fun and safe Halloween! Please join us on Tuesday, November 1st at 10:30 AM in he Church as we celebrate All Saint's Day.
Looking Ahead....
- Tuesday, November 8th - Field trip to the Grandview Dairy Farm
- Tuesday, November 16th - Jesuit Strong Presentation at 8:30: Finding God in All Things
- Friday, November 18th - Grandparent's and Grandfriend's Day
- Tuesday, November 22nd - Field Trip to St. Vincent de Paul and Thanksgiving Food Mass
English Language Arts

Students will be working more in a differentiated model of learning, which is designed to meet the child where he or she is at. The students will be working in lesson 9 of Journey's, but not everyone will be reading the same story.
We will continue working on verb tenses and introduce compound and complex sentences.
GOOGLE CLASSROOM homework: students will be expected to read 30 minutes each night and log onto Google classroom to complete their journal entry each night summarizing what they read. The journal will be due on Friday, November 4th. Students will be given examples and directions in class. This will be the weekly assignment for the months of November and December as there is no monthly book projects.
- Students will have a spelling test on Thursday, November 3rd.
- Students will have a vocabulary test on Friday, November 4th.
We will be beginning our next writing project, which focuses on persuasive writing. Students will be given instruction on persuasive language and practice this skill prior to beginning the writing project.
Social Studies
Last week, we read through week 1 of our AZ Studies Weekly Newspaper in groups. Each group brought forth a main idea, which we then used in writing a class paragraph summarizing the newspaper article. We will continue to work with week 1's newspaper and begin learning about the 5 C's in preparation for our field trip.
Students will model and solve addition and subtraction word problems involving the metric system.
My Halloween treat is that there is NO Dreambox this week. However, if a student had a previous poor score in Dreambox, he or she can complete 40 minutes and 5 lessons this week and I will replace the low grade.
Students will learn about Eli Whitney and his revolutionary cotton gin and how it transformed the cotton industry. Then the students will brainstorm ideas on an invention that would dramatically change their life.
Students will continue to talk about serving others and keeping in mind that we can find God in all people and all things. We will also continue learning about the Beatitudes.
There is no Bible verse/handwriting this week. If a student wishes to enter the handwriting contest, I will pass out the entry form.
Students will model and solve addition and subtraction word problems involving the metric system.
My Halloween treat is that there is NO Dreambox this week. However, if a student had a previous poor score in Dreambox, he or she can complete 40 minutes and 5 lessons this week and I will replace the low grade.
Students will learn about Eli Whitney and his revolutionary cotton gin and how it transformed the cotton industry. Then the students will brainstorm ideas on an invention that would dramatically change their life.
Students will continue to talk about serving others and keeping in mind that we can find God in all people and all things. We will also continue learning about the Beatitudes.
There is no Bible verse/handwriting this week. If a student wishes to enter the handwriting contest, I will pass out the entry form.