Happy Monday morning 4th grade families!
Can you believe we are in the last week of October already? Where is the time going? We have two weeks left of the first trimester....YAY!! The trimester ends on November 4th. We have a very busy next few weeks, so please be sure to save the below dates.
- Friday, October 28th - Book Project #2 is due
- Monday, October 31st - Halloween Party
- Tuesday, November 1st @ 10:30 - All School Mass - All Saints Day
- Tuesday, November 8th - Field Trip to Grandview Diary Farm
- Wednesday, November 9th - 3-5 Mass @ 10:30
- Monday, November 14th - Book Fair is here!
- Friday, November 18th - Special Person''s Day and Food Drive Mass @ 9:00 AM
- Monday, November 21st - 4th graders are baking and preparing for trip to St. Vincent de Paul
- Tuesday, November 22nd - Field Trip to St. Vincent de Paul
- Wednesday, November 23rd - No School
English Language Arts

The students have been preparing to take a summative assessment in grammar on Wednesday, October 26th. A summative assessment refers to assessing students at the end of a unit taught to see if mastery of a skill has been met. Over the last month and half, students have focused greatly on common and proper nouns, proper use of quotation marks, writing complete sentences, identifying fragments vs. run-on sentences vs. complete sentences, and verbs. Throughout the last several weeks, students have received whole group instruction, small group instruction, practice pages, homework, and informal or formative assessments. Informal and formative assessments are used as quick check-ins to see how the students are progressing.
There will be a spelling test on Thursday, October 27th.
On Friday, October 28th students will have an open book assessment in the form of two short answers questions that relate to our skill and story for the week.
Social Studies
We have finished our geography unit by finishing strong in knowing our states and capitals! Thank you so much to everyone for putting up with the silly yet fun songs, games, and practice on these skills. The students worked so hard!
As we prepare for our field trip to the Grandview Diary Farm, we will begin our big unit on Arizona. We will be learning all about the 5 C's and more!
The students will be beginning Module 2, which covers unit conversions and problem solving with metric measurement.
We will be working on a mini Cotton Unit in preparation for our upcoming field trip.
We will be working on a mini Cotton Unit in preparation for our upcoming field trip.
We will be learning about the Beatitudes. We will be continuing to pray the Act of Love, and the test is Wednesday.
Please do not forget that if you have not brought in your fleece yet, please do so by Friday, October 28th. It was listed on the school supply list; however, it was not provided in the First Day of School Supplies Box.
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