Monday, February 27, 2017

A Busy Week....

Good Morning Families,

Whew! What a busy week we have ahead of us. This week we celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday, go on a field trip to the Musical Instrument Museum, the Fun Fest is Saturday, and we begin Lent with Ash Wednesday.  Please note that Mass will be at 8:30 AM in the Church on Wednesday.

**The fourth graders will be off campus in the morning only on Tuesday, February 28th. We will return to school in time to have lunch on campus.**

Image result for dr. seuss clip art birthday

On Thursday, we celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday with a fun celebration with our Preschool buddies. Please send your child in with a Dr. Seuss book. If you do not have one, we will have some to share. We will also enjoy some green eggs and ham!
Image result for stations of the cross clip
As we enter in the season of Lent, we ask for your prayers as the fourth graders begin the process of preparing for the Living Stations of the Cross for the school. The Living Stations of the Cross will be held on Friday, April 7th at 9:30 AM. Last week, each student was given a role. We will begin preparing this week. 
 If you have Spring Break plans and will not be at school that Friday, please let us know ASAP.

CALLING ALL 4TH GRADERS AND THEIR FAMILIES.....Mini Vinnies is a wonderful way to give back to our community especially during the season of Lent. Please sign up to participate in Mini Vinnies on Tuesday, March 7th. Please refer to the weekly e-blast for more information. 

English Language Arts


There will be a grammar test and reading test on Friday, March 3rd. 

Social Studies

We will be wrapping up Chapter 3 on The Early People of Arizona. We will be preparing to take a test on this chapter. Students will also be getting information on their upcoming group project.


We will find factor pairs for numbers to 100. We will also learn the difference between prime and composite numbers. The students are going to understand the difference between multiples and factors, too.


We are studying light.

  • the visible spectrum
  • wave lengths and energy
  • refraction 
  • lens
  • reflection 


Ash Wednesday is this Wednesday, March 1st and we will begin praying the Daily Examine as a school each day at 11:00 AM.

During Lent, we will think of ways we can,

  • Pray
  • Fast
  • Give Alms 
We will also focus on the next set of Commandment; 4, 5, and 6. These can be found on page 137 in the Religion textbook. 

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