Monday, March 20, 2017


Image result for World down Syndrome awareness Day 2017

Good Evening Families, 

**Please excuse the delay in getting our blog out to you today. **

Warmer weather has arrived, which means Spring fever is in the air! As the weather is warming up, please encourage your child to bring a water bottle to school to stay hydrated.

This week our school theme is awareness. Tomorrow, March 21st, is World Down Syndrome Awareness Day. Down Syndrome occurs when a person is born with an extra chromosome. The 21st chromosome has 3 copies (that's why 3/21 is Down Syndrome Day). Students are asked to honor this day by wearing 3 socks tomorrow. The fourth graders also watched a short video on Down Syndrome. We encourage you to have conversation at home about what they learned from the video. Here is the link to the video should you wish to view it with your child again. Video Link 

English Language Arts

There are NO spelling words this week. 

The students will continue learning about Caesar Chavez and his contributions to our country. Students will have a reading comprehension and vocabulary assessment on Wednesday, March 22nd. 

Students will also begin reviewing when and how we use abbreviations correctly. There will be a grammar assessment on this skill next week on Thursday, March 30th. 

Students will begin a new writing project on a desert animal. 

Social Studies

Students will work on Arizona Studies Weekly Newspaper Week 11 and 12 in class. 

This will be the last week students will have to work on their Early Civilizations Google Slides Presentation. All projects are due next week and formal presentations will begin. 


DIVISION, DIVISION, DIVISION! We are working on mastery of larger division problems (3 and 4-digit dividends) using the standard algorithm. 


We are continuing with Electricity and will add Magnetism. Please reference Chapter 12: Lesson 5. 


We are focusing on Stations of the Cross and delving deeper into our Lenten Journey. We will also memorize the last 4 Commandments. 

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