The end is approaching rather quickly! This will serve as our last formal blog post of the year. Should we need to inform you of something, we will communicate via email.
Your children have grown leaps and bounds this year and are ready to move up to Fifth Grade. We extend our deepest gratitude to each of you for all of your support this year. It truly is a partnership, teacher and parents. It has been such a blessing to be a part of your child's academic journey. Don't be a stranger, come by and say hello anytime!
-Summer Camp runs from June 5th- June 23rd
-From 8am-12pm there will be academic camps for every incoming grade level from preschool-6th grade. From 12:30-3:00 there are enrichment programs for all grades as well!
-We can work with families on payment plans and will offer scholarships when they become available.
-After Care is available until 5 pm.
-This is a great way to beat the "summer slump," make new friends, have fun and stay cool! Students will also be working on their summer requirements.
-To register visit: http://school.sfxphx.org/summer
Looking Ahead....
- Wednesday, May 24th - All School Mass and Awards Ceremony at 8:30 in the Church (NOTE THE TIME CHANGE)
- Wednesday, May 24th - End of the Year Party - Pizza will be served for lunch to the whole 4th grade
- Thursday, May 25th - Last Day of School - dismissal at 1:15

Students will have their LAST test of the year this Thursday. The students will be assessed on basic grammar skills including ending punctuation, compound sentences, use of commas, and overall proper mechanics.
We will read through our last story of the year and complete activities in class.
Students will NOT have a spelling test this week, but we will make spelling cards and play different games to help us practice the skill.
Social Studies
ALL Arizona projects are due tomorrow! We will have some time this week for students to show off their games, books, road trips, and videos.
We will continue to use our AZ Studies Weekly Newspapers as needed.
NO DREAMBOX this week or next! However, we will have a time test covering the facts through 12.
We will add and subtract fractions. All of the products and differences will expected to be in simplest form.
We will continue our mini unit on the Human Body. Our focus this week will be on the circulatory system.
The students will make and play the Sacraments Game.